

Pet Patrol is an RRC all-volunteer program that has assisted nearly 100 animals with a variety of services, including preventative and emergency veterinary care, medication, and boarding.
Meet Stass
Stass is short for “Anastasios” (which means “resurrection” in Greek). Stass had been surrendered to FCAC by his owner because he had a badly broken ankle that his owner wasn’t willing to pay to have treated. He was rescued on Saturday, February 16, 2013 from Fulton County Animal Control (FCAC) by a neighbor who volunteered to pick him up for Diva’s Pit Bull Rescue, just 20 minutes before he was to be euthanized. Several neighbors jumped into action to lend a hand and contacted the Pet Patrol. We were able to get him an after-hours emergency Vet appointment due to the possibility that his leg may have needed to be amputated. After sitting with Stass for several hours at the Vet the neighbors who rescued him found him a foster home. The Pet Patrol covered all the initial Vet costs including vaccinations, medication, and x-rays. Diva’s Pit Bull Rescue quickly raised money, which included an additional donation from Pet Patrol, and found an Orthopedic Surgeon who repaired Stass’ ankle a few days later. Stass made a full recovery and now happily lives with his forever family.
Meet Petey
Petey, formerly known as “Betsy Ross”, was an 8-week-old puppy on the verge of being sold to the highest bidder in a parking lot at Grant Park on the 4th of July 2010. Holly Androzzo from the Pet Patrol, Vicki Park from Park Pet Supply, and Maria Hannah from The Clean Dog happened to be walking through the parking lot at the same time. They pooled all their cash and bought the puppy. The Pet Patrol paid her veterinarian costs, Park Pet Supply donated food, toys, and other puppy supplies, and The Clean Dog donated her first bath. Vicki and Maria shared Petey’s fostering responsibilities while they set out to find the perfect forever home for the sweet, rambunctious, puppy with pretty blue eyes. Petey soon started spending most of her days greeting customers at The Clean Dog and charming everyone who walked through the door. It was soon evident that Maria was Petey’s perfect forever home, so Maria adopted her, needless to say, she is loved and well cared for. She still spends many days playing the perfect hostess when customers come into The Clean Dog!